[vsnet-alert 10505] OT_J020025.4+441019: updated period of early superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Sep 5 10:57:42 JST 2008

OT_J020025.4+441019: updated period of early superhumps

   We have received new data from Lubomir Urbancok and Michael Richmond.
The data still clearly show periodic humps (likely early superhumps;
exact identification naturally pending the appearance of ordinary
superhumps).  The profile, however, shows double maxima of different
amplitudes (the latter peak being stronger) characteristic to early
superhumps.  The mean full amplitude of the humps was 0.09 mag.

   The best period up to Sep. 4 observations is 0.05632(8) d.

   Please continue observing as long as possible!

   Send your observations to:
vsnet-campaign-report-bounces at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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