[vsnet-alert 10518] V466 And: early superhumps still present

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Sep 9 10:47:09 JST 2008

V466 And: early superhumps still present

   We have received further data from Maehara-san, Okayama U. of Sci.
team (two nights), Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory team (two nights),
Crawford, and two nights obtained at Kyoto Univ (Ohshima-san).

   The data still clearly show the presence of early superhumps
(not ordinary superhumps suggested in the previous report).
On Sep. 7, the second maximum of the early superhumps had grown again.
The refined period of early superhumps up to Sep. 7 is 0.056397(7) d.
It is quite amazing that the object still shows early superhumps
even after seven days of discovery!   The outburst must have caught
(fortunately!) during the very early stage of the superoutburst.

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