[vsnet-alert 10527] V466 And superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Sep 13 12:54:47 JST 2008

V466 And superhumps

   We have received further data from Jani Virtanen (two nights),
Itoh-san (two nights) and Tim Crawford.  It has become clearer that
ordinary superhumps started to evolve since Sep. 10.  The period
determined from Sep. 11-12 data is 0.05757(4) d, 2.1% longer than
the period of early superhumps.  Since the superhumps were still
evolving (mean amplitude on these two nights was 0.08 mag and was
growing), this period should be treated carefully.  We can expect
to see further growth of superhumps and to provide an much improved
period determination.  Please continue observing as long as possible
in order to follow the evolution of superhumps and their periods.
As in other WZ Sge-type dwarf novae, we can expect to see complex
light variation during the later course of the superoutburst,
including rebrightenings.  Please keep the vigil until the object
fades away from your telescope!

Reporting address of time-series photometry:
vsnet-campaign-report at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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