[vsnet-alert 10564] OT_J191443.6+605214: superhumps update

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Oct 10 09:58:28 JST 2008

OT_J191443.6+605214: superhumps update

   We have received further data from Maehara-san, Nakajima-san and
Kyoto data (observer: Ohshima-san).  The data confirmed the superhump
period of 0.07142(2) d.  An O-C analysis has yielded a relatively large
large (+5-10*10^(-5), depending on the intervals used) period derivative
for this superhump period.  This object may be either undergoing a stage
of rapid evolution of superhumps, or the object may be a system with
rare and long superoutbursts for a relatively long orbital period
(similar to QY Per).  The farly large outburst amplitude (~5 mag) might
support the latter possibility.  Further continued observations are
strongly encouraged.

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