[vsnet-alert 10745] Possible nova outburst

Katarzyna Małek Katarzyna.Krupska at fuw.edu.pl
Fri Nov 28 23:50:54 JST 2008

"Pi of the Sky” automatic trigger has detected a new object in the sky
at (2000) RA = 11 13 54, DEC = -61 14 00 (pixel size is 36'').
No known variable star or minor planet is present at this position.

Preliminary photometry (CCD with IR-cut filter passing 390-690nm):

Time UT        magnitude  source
20081126.26    7.91 C    "Pi of the Sky"
20081126.26    7.91 C    "Pi of the Sky"
20081126.27    7.89 C    "Pi of the Sky"
20081127.25    7.55 C    "Pi of the Sky"
20081127.26    7.55 C    "Pi of the Sky"
20081127.26    7.54 C    "Pi of the Sky"
20081127.26    7.56 C    "Pi of the Sky"
20081127.27    7.55 C    "Pi of the Sky"

Best regards,
Katarzyna Malek for "Pi of the Sky" team

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