[vsnet-alert 11111] Re: OT_J071126.0+440405 brightening again

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Mar 21 10:27:31 JST 2009

Re: OT_J071126.0+440405

   Ian Miller, Arto Oksanen and Nakajima-san have reported further

Arto's comment:


I was able to observe briefly between very persistent cloudiness in
Finland. I noticed that OT J071126+440405 was bright (CR=15 or so), so
I started a time series and got two eclipses before clouds rolled
in. The star varied between 15 and 16 magnitudes, except in eclipses
it dropped again like a stone down to 18-20 magnitudes.

The pre-eclipse dip appeared just before the second eclipse. Very exciting

Light curve:


best regards,


Arto Oksanen
arto.oksanen at jklsirius.fi
Muurame, Finland

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