[vsnet-alert 11227] Re: V500 Aql

walcom77 walcom77 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 19:18:55 JST 2009

Following posting on the Central Bureau's unconfirmed-objects
webpage about a possible Nova in Aql at coordinates A.R.= 19h 52m
27.8s,  Decl.= +08 28' 45", on 2009 Apr. 30.35 we performed some
follow-up of this object remotely through a 0.25-m, f/3,4 reflector +
CCD, from GRAS Observatory (near Mayhill, NM).

Through comparison of a POSS-2 Red plate, we cannot find in our images
any new object brighter than R magnitude about 16, within 2-arcmin of
the given position. A search within 5-arcmin of the provided
coordinates down to limiting magnitude about 11, provided no new
transient candidates as well.

Best Regards

Ernesto Guido and Giovanni Sostero

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