[vsnet-alert 11264] 2QZ J142438.9-022739 in outburst

kstars at Safe-mail.net kstars at Safe-mail.net
Sat May 23 22:04:51 JST 2009

No idea how bright this one will be optically, probably similar in magnitude to the FUV and NUV magnitudes, the thing has similar UV and optical blue mags at quiescence and there's no real need for the outburst to show any particular colour either, so why not.

D&S and Ritter have it logged as an AM Her star, a Polar.  Here's the 2QZ spectrum


GALEX Alert show an outburst commenced two days ago, the current third row down object here


with no updates since that time, so could be brighter still by now if caught on the rise, could be done with.  I'm not too familiar with the morphology of Polar outburst lightcurves (if it is a certain Polar).

Here's the graph


There's a required acknowledgement statement needed for using GALEX stuff formally.

Here's the page from the type classification paper of Marsh et al 2002




Based on archival data from the NASA Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) which is operated for NASA by the California Institute of Technology under NASA contract NAS5-98034

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