[vsnet-alert 11301] Re: [vsnet-chat 7455] red variables in ejaavso 96

redvars at fastmail.co.uk redvars at fastmail.co.uk
Fri Jul 3 20:07:19 JST 2009

Oh, and before folk start bending my ear about with the "personal
attack" schtick.

I am protesting about behaviour and what someone has done and what they
represent.  I don't give a damn either way about the person himself.

I know quite a few on this list who have emailed me over the years about
this person, either not liking what he is doing or in some cases
disliking him outright.

I don't care about that. As I said once before, if he wants to give
superhump updates and echo Taichi's posts, or do anything that anyone is
free to do, as long as he quotes provenance and doesn't talk
pseudoscience pretending it is something meaningful, it doesn't matter.

But let me assure you, this is the future, in this IYA, is this sort of
thing.  It'll encroach slowly.  I've had names respected on these lists
email in the past saying "is this guy another Nicholson?".  It is
something some folk are concerned about.

But most folk are sick of hearing from me on it.  So, except when I'm
shat on so openly in this way I don't care any more.  I've protected a
hell of a lot of you for the past several years from this bloke, you can
now protect yourselves.  Claims and pseudoscience will abound, you'll
either have to ignore it or protest against it, and if it is the latter,
blogs and entries and whole webpages, and even publication on nonpeer
reviewed "observations" on Philica.com will complaining subtley but
negatively about you or your organisation.  This is why most of the
major groups haven't the balls to deal with him, in my personal opinion,
for evidence that the claim "he's not as bad as he was, he's getting
better" is fatuous is readily available.

Rest assured, only crap off of me when he forgets who it's my thoughts
that he so widely damns that he's actually copying off of.  Rest of the
time you'll be free from me.

Enjoy his tender mercies.

Hey, Wolfgang, do us a favour, put that copy of his withdrawn DIRBE OEJV
on a public web repository somewhere.  He'd happily do the same to you
if he could, most of my emails and works are all over his webpages and
blogs.  Do as you would be done by, tit for tat.

John Greaves

http://www.fastmail.fm - A no graphics, no pop-ups email service

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