[vsnet-alert 11348] QSO B0133+47 = MisV1436 at 15 mag

Seiichi Yoshida comet at aerith.net
Sun Jul 26 17:55:23 JST 2009

Dear colleagues,

Optically violently variable quasar QSO B0133+47 = MisV1436 is
appearing in the morning sky. 

Esteban Reina Lorenz reported it is bright now, 15.06 mag on July 19.
(But fading now....)


Best regards,

> OBS: Esteban Reina Lorenz
> TEL: SC 10" f3.3
> CCD: ST7
> CAT: USNO A2.0 / CMC-14
> OBJETO    FECHA         MAG         +/-    N  OBS  CAT
> --------  ------------  ---------  -----  --  ---  ---
> QSOB0133  20090719.110  15.06CV     0.00   3  ERe  USN
> QSOB0133  20090725.076  15.35CV     0.00   3  ERe  USN
> FoCAs II - 05/12/2008-c
> www.astrosurf.com/cometas-obs
> es.groups.yahoo.com/group/Cometas_Obs
> Esteban Reina Lorenz
> Observatori de Masquefa - MPC 232
> www.astrosurf.com/masquefa232

Seiichi Yoshida
comet at aerith.net

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