[vsnet-alert 11461] Re: V713 Cep
Denis Denisenko
denis at hea.iki.rssi.ru
Wed Sep 9 22:11:43 JST 2009
Hello all!
Gary Poyner wrote on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:18:01 +0100:
> V713 Cep (Antipin's Var75 Cep) is in or entering outburst...
> V713 Cep is also an eclipser, with a known P_orb 0.085853d
> and eclipse amplitude of ~2 mags.
I should remark this is definitely a typo caused by misunderstanding of
my original message on the eclipses discovery back in August 2007. The
value quoted by Gary refers to DV UMa - not V713 Cep! Read again
[vsnet-alert 9516] at
and you will see what I mean. Based on the data from the first two
nights I wrote the following on 2007 Aug. 28 23:45:45 +0400:
"The preliminary value of period is 0.08542(2)d, the range of
variability in V band is about 18.0-21.0:.
The eclipse ephemeris is as follows:
T = 2454338.371 + 0.08542 * E.
V713 Cep is very similar to UGSU-type star DV UMa (orbital period
Thus, the quote above should actually read like this:
> V713 Cep is also an eclipser, with a known P_orb 0.08542d
> and eclipse amplitude of ~3 mags.
(Even 3.5, actually! - D.D.)
Later I have observed two more eclipses on the nights of 2007 Aug. 29
and Sep. 3 which has improved the period value to P=0.085419(2)d. Also
note that the correct mid-eclipse time of the first epoch is
T0=2454338.375(1). By Sep. 09, 2009 (JD=2455083.5) star has made 8723
revolutions. Eclipse prediction using 0.085419(2) period value should
be correct within +/-25 min (0.2P). Actually it agrees with
observations even better, within 5 minutes!
JD=2455073.400 eclipse observed by David Boyd and Ian Miller has E=8605
which improves the orbital period value to 0.0854184(2)d.
So, please use the following (geocentric!) light elements for V713 Cep
T = 2454338.375 + 0.0854184 * E.
Also interesting is that the shape of the lightcurve is slightly
changing with time. Back in 2007, while at minimum, V713 was showing an
apparent hump before the eclipse (phase 0.7-0.95), about 0.3m brighter
than at 0.05-0.4. Now, during the outburst, the light curve outside the
eclipses is more or less symmetric after removing the fading trend.
Best regards,
Den in Moscow
P.S. Sorry about the belated response!
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