[vsnet-alert 11909] V1032 Oph: updated ephemeris

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Apr 8 15:19:54 JST 2010

V1032 Oph: updated ephemeris

   Enrique de Miguel Agustino has reported further observations as below:
The ephemeris now appears to agree with vsnet-alert 11907.
The strongest superhump signal (more careful analysis still required)
is 0.08546(8) d.


Variable:       V1032 Oph
Date:             07-08 April
Comp  star:    USNO-A2.0 0825-09356260 (16:25:55.77 -03:53:32.2) with  
Check star:    USNO-A2.0 0825-09353329 (16:25:42.04 -03:53:28.1) with  
Integ time:     60s
Instrument:    0.25 m reflector f/4.8
Camera:        QSI-516ws
Filter:             Clear
Observatory:  Huelva (Spain)
Comments:     Very good weather conditions.
               Run covering about 2h 30m. The first minima happens
               at the very begining of the run. This is included below
               with an uncertainty estimated as 2 min.
               A second minima is also captured close to the end
               of the run.
               Times of minima of the eclipses are:

                          JD                date (UT)
               run01  2455286.67964(17)   March 31 04h 18m 41s
               run03  2455290.65062(14)   April 04   03h 36m 52s
               run04  2455292.67675(11)   April 06   04h 14m 31s
               run05  2455294.62380(140) April 08   02h 58m 16s (2 min  
                          2455294.70363(7)     April 08   04h 53m 14s

               Note that heliocentric corrections have not been applied.
               Using linear regression I find

                    JD = 2455286.67924 + 0.081053 * E

               Average magnitude 15.74(15) assuming mag(comp)=12.82
               (which is the R mag of the comp according to USNO-A2.0.
               This is 0.16 mag fainter than run03

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