[vsnet-alert 11929] Coronal emission lines in V407

Ulisse Munari ulisse.munari at oapd.inaf.it
Mon Apr 12 06:19:51 JST 2010

In ATel 2546 we report about our discovery of [FeX] 6375, [FeXI] 7890,
[ArX] 5535 and [NiXII] 4233 Ang coronal emission lines in V407 Cyg, which are 
steadily increasing in intensity with time.

Our tight Echelle high-resolution monitoring of the spectral evolution of V407 
Cyg traces the first appearance of the coronal emission lines around March 17, 
when [FeX] 6375 Ang had an equivalent width of about 4 Ang. Since then its 
equivalent width has steadily increased, reaching 17, 24, 36, 49 and 61 Ang on 
Mar 23, 28, Apr 2, 7 and 10, respectively. The FWHM has remained moderately 
stable around 600 km/sec over. Other coronal lines present in V407 Cyg are 
[FeXI] 7890, [ArX] 5535 and [NiXII] 4233. As of April 10, [NiXIII] 5116 and 
[FeXIV] 5303 are not detected. The coronal line spectrum of V407 Cyg resemble 
quite closely that observed in RS Oph during its 2006 outburst.

Ulisse Munari

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