[vsnet-alert 11961] NOVA SCORPII 2010 No.2

Kenzo Kinugasa kinugasa at astron.pref.gunma.jp
Sat May 1 17:31:38 JST 2010

Dear all, 

  This is a report on Nova Sco 2010 No.2. It confirms the object is a 
He/N nova.

 K. Kinugasa, H. Takahashi, and O.Hashimoto, Gunma Astronomical Observatory,
write that a low-dispersion spectrum (range 420-850 nm, resolution about 500)
of this object on Apr. 29.745 with the GAO 1.5-m telescope (+GLOWS), which
show broad (FWHM about 4000 km/s) Balmer and O I (777.4, 822.7 and 844.6 nm)
emission lines. Both H-alpha and H-beta have asymmetric line profiles with
a blue peak. Several emission lines of He I and N II are also seen. It
indicates that this object is a He/N nova at a decline phase. This spectrum
is at website URL:
http://www.astron.pref.gunma.jp/~kinugasa/nsco2010-2_100429.png .

K. Kinugasa

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