[vsnet-alert 12230] MAXI J1659-152: still bright

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Oct 7 09:47:09 JST 2010

MAXI J1659-152: still bright

   Most recent observations by Kiyota-san and Kyoto team (observers:
Ohshima-san and Kuramoto-san) indicate that this X-ray transient is
still bright in the optical.

object         YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  code
MAXIJ1659-152  20101002.119  16.055V  Kis.VSOLJ
MAXIJ1659-152  20101003.100  16.375Ic  Kis.VSOLJ
MAXIJ1659-152  20101003.102  16.175V  Kis.VSOLJ
MAXIJ1659-152  20101005.119  16.959V  Kis.VSOLJ
MAXIJ1659-152  20101006.101  16.252V  Kis.VSOLJ

   There may have been a chance (or systematic?) fading on Oct. 5 as
recorded above.

   Time-series photometry by the Kyoto team and Kiyota-san appears to
show slow variations with a rough time-scale of 0.12 d (other periodicities
are possible) which might be related to orbital period or other
periodicities.  Further continued observations are encouraged!

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