[vsnet-alert 12413] Re: bright outburst of SDSS J160501.35+203056.9

Hitoshi Yamaoka yamaoka at ursa.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Mon Nov 22 11:29:37 JST 2010

Dear all,

>Itagaki-san reported his detection of a bright outburst (mag 12)
>of the suspected CV SDSS J160501.35+203056.9.  Many catalogs
>noted that it is mag about 20 in its quiescent phase.
>SDSS_J160501.35+203056.9 20101121.36782 120C KIt

  Andrew Drake has kindly pointed out that this object is caught in
outburst (mag about 18) by the CSS on 2005.

>The SDSS spectrum seem clear to me:
>However, here is the CSS lightcurve exhibiting a long outburst
>in 2005 (possible starting before April 7th):

Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan
yamaoka at phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp <- changed!

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