[vsnet-alert 13551] SV Ari: superhump period

Gianluca Masi gianluca at bellatrixobservatory.org
Fri Aug 5 13:07:51 JST 2011

Dear Colleagues,

I followed up this target after my initial note reporting the discovery 
of superhumps.

Tonight, superhumps are well defined, the modulation is 0.2 mags large, 
with the star at about mag. 15.6, unfiltered. Tonight data, covering 1.9 
hours, provide a Psh estimate of 1.31(0.05) hours.

I managed to re-reduce my very first data, where the SU UMa nature of 
this star was found, adding a few more frames grabbed at twilight, but 
still usable. The revised Psh from this first dataset is 1.39 hours.

The star faded of 0.1 mags from the first night (48 hours earlier).

Data will be send to Kyoto for analysis.


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