[vsnet-alert 14005] CSS 091024:050124+203818 = 1RXS J050121.3+203731 outburst

Denis Denisenko denis at hea.iki.rssi.ru
Tue Dec 27 00:11:36 JST 2011

This dwarf nova in Taurus (see ATel 2266 and [vsnet-alert 11606] for 
details) seems to be in outburst again, as shown by observation with 
Bradford Robotic Telescope on 2011 Dec. 26 at 00:16UT (JD=2455921.512):

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20111226.012  15.5CR BRT
(magnitude uncertain by 0.2 due to trailed images)

Previous outburst (15.76 on Oct. 30.168 UT) was reported in [vsnet-alert 
13812].  Recent CRTS observations had it at 17.0-17.5m on Dec. 16.  
Despite the possible large intranight variations (~0.5m), the orbital 
period of this CV remains yet unknown.  Photometric time series are 
encouraged now that the Taurus is close to meridian at midnight.

Best regards,

Denis from (c****ed out) Moscow

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