[vsnet-alert 14067] OT J105122.8+672528: superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Jan 6 10:40:57 JST 2012

OT J105122.8+672528: superhumps

   Crimean Astrophys. Obs. team (Baklanov and Pavlenko) have reported
observations of this object (=CSS120101:105123+672528) on two nights.
Superhumps with amplitudes of 0.13 mag were observed.  The best period
appears to be 0.0612(2) d, which needs to be refined by further observations
(the hump profile looks somewhat different from those of ordinary
The object was also detected by MASTER (ATEL #3845).

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