[vsnet-alert 14341] possible unexpected color change of MisV0814

Seiichi Yoshida comet at aerith.net
Tue Mar 20 00:14:23 JST 2012

Dear colleagues,

We detected a possible unexpected color change of our new variable
star MisV0814, R.A. 05h33m33s.81, Decl. +34o43'23".7 (2000.0), in the
course of the MISAO Project.

The V-Rc color of MisV0814 from Tsutomu Fujiwara's images are as
follows. The color is changing rapidly in March.

  Date and Time    Mag(Rc) Mag(V)  V-Rc
  2012 Jan. 11.52  13.62   13.94   +0.32
  2012 Jan. 12.55  13.63   14.03   +0.40
  2012 Jan. 17.56  13.64
  2012 Jan. 23.56  13.60
  2012 Jan. 28.51  13.47
  2012 Jan. 31.54  13.57   13.97   +0.40
  2012 Feb. 11.52  13.57
  2012 Feb. 17.55  13.58
  2012 Mar. 10.52  13.60   13.88   +0.28
  2012 Mar. 12.51  13.57   13.79   +0.22
  2012 Mar. 14.53  13.64   13.69   +0.05
  2012 Mar. 19.53  13.59   13.57   -0.02

For comparison, the V-Rc color of a nearby 14-mag star GSC 2412-00599,
R.A. 05h33m38s.48, Decl. +34o42'22".0, from the same images are as

  Date and Time    Mag(Rc) Mag(V)  V-Rc
  2012 Jan. 11.52  13.34   13.80   +0.46
  2012 Jan. 12.55  13.26   13.73   +0.47
  2012 Jan. 17.56  13.15
  2012 Jan. 23.56  13.27
  2012 Jan. 28.51  13.26
  2012 Jan. 31.54  13.27   13.89   +0.62
  2012 Feb. 11.52  13.40
  2012 Feb. 17.55  13.28
  2012 Mar. 10.52  13.20   13.80   +0.60
  2012 Mar. 12.51  13.22   13.83   +0.61
  2012 Mar. 14.53  13.33   13.91   +0.58
  2012 Mar. 19.53  13.33   13.85   +0.52

The comparison star GSC 2412-00599 shows a constant brightness and
color. But MisV0814 implies the change of color, with brightening only
in V-band images.

We are glad if someone confirms the color of this star independently.

The web page of this star:

Best regards,

Seiichi Yoshida
comet at aerith.net

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