[vsnet-alert 14410] RY Ser in outburst

Seiichi Yoshida comet at aerith.net
Tue Apr 3 00:45:55 JST 2012

Dear colleagues,

Outburst of a dwarf nova RY Ser was detected on Mar. 31 in the course
of the MISAO Project, from survey images by Youichirou Nakashima with
300-mm f/2.8 camera lens + SBIG ST-8.

SERRY 20120331.71424 139C Mis
SERRY 20120331.71559 138C Mis
SERRY 20120331.71694 136C Mis

It was not visile on Nakashima's survey images on Mar. 21.

SERRY 20120321.79736 <149C Mis
SERRY 20120321.79872 <149C Mis
SERRY 20120321.80008 <148C Mis
SERRY 20120321.80144 <150C Mis

Best regards,

Seiichi Yoshida
comet at aerith.net

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