[vsnet-alert 15464] SDSS J092620.42+034542.3 outburst

Denis Denisenko d.v.denisenko at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 11:04:15 JST 2013

This dwarf nova (aka GUVV J092620.4+034541.8) was detected in bright
outburst on MASTER-Kislovodsk unfiltered survey images two nights ago:

SDSS J092620.42+034542.3
  20130302.850  157C  MASTER-Kislovodsk
  20130302.881  156C  MASTER-Kislovodsk

The report was delayed due to internet connection problems at the
robotic observatory in Kislovodsk.

According to Kato et al., 2012 the estimated orbital period of this CV
is 0.067d.

Denis Denisenko
Member of MASTER team at SAI MSU

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