[vsnet-alert 15485] GR Ori: late-stage superhumps and rebrightening

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Mar 12 10:07:13 JST 2013

GR Ori: late-stage superhumps and rebrightening

   Astrokolkhoz team (Josch Hambsch and Tom Krajci) reported
observations during the rapid fading from the superoutburst
and the rebrightening.  An analysis of March 1-3 data (rapid
fading) yielded a period of 0.05750(4) d, 1.2% shorter than
the mean superhump period.  The amplitude was 0.04 mag.
It is not clear whether this period is related to the orbital

   We have also received a report from Shawn Dvorak.
The rebrightening seems to be continuing.

I could see GR Ori on the 20130309.0280 image but was unable to measure 
it due to contamination from it's nearby companion. Visual inspection 
suggested a brightness of about 16.0.  Last night (20130310.0194) I was 
able to separate the two stars and measured it at 16.2(0.1).

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