[vsnet-alert 15556] Two new CVs in Lyra by MASTER (15.6-15.8m)

Denis Denisenko d.v.denisenko at gmail.com
Sat Mar 30 02:59:07 JST 2013

Pavel Balanutsa has found two dwarf novae on March 28th MASTER-Amur
survey images (his 101st and 102nd discovery, and 299th and 300th
MASTER OTs since the beginning of MASTER survey). They were published
in ATel #4926 <http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=4926> together
with a possible luminous supernova (17m in 22m SDSS galaxy) which has
a chance of being a CV, too.

Two brighter objects are both in Lyra and both have previous
outbursts. One may be of special interest 'cause it resides in the
Kepler field and was observed by GALEX in 2009 both in outburst and at

MASTER OT J185838.73+460207.2 - new CV in Kepler field
  20130328.668  158C  MASTER-Amur
  20130328.696  158C  MASTER-Amur

Other IDs: USNO-B1.0 1360-0297059, USNO-A2.0 1350-10081606, GALEX
J185838.9+460206,  GALEX J185838.7+460207
Color-combined (BRIR) 10'x10' DSS chart:
Comparison of 2009 May 12 and Aug. 07 GALEX NUV images:
http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/OT/J185838+460207-GALEX.jpg (the
object was in outburst on May 12 and very close to the edge of FOV on
Aug. 07).
Discovery and reference images:

MASTER OT J184141.08+324317.2 - new CV in Lyra
  20130328.727  157C  MASTER-Amur
  20130328.756  156C  MASTER-Amur

Other names: USNO-B1.0 1227-0398599, GALEX J184141.0+324318
Color-combined (BRIR) DSS chart (5'x5' FOV):
Discovery and reference images:

Both CVs can be dwarf novae of SU UMa (UGSU) type. Follow up
observations are encouraged.

Denis Denisenko
Member of MASTER team at SAI MSU

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