[vsnet-alert 16309] ASASSN-13ck: early superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Sep 1 09:17:50 JST 2013

ASASSN-13ck: early superhumps

   Enrique de Miguel reported:

A bit too windy for this feeble mount .... 
               Also some passing clouds (~1 hour) on the first part
               of the run.
               Anyway, nice double-hump modulation (early superhumps).
               Using JU data on JD 534 as well as Massi's data
               (534 & 535), I find P_early_sh = 0.055 d. 


  After combining the observations, we could obtain a period
of 0.0556(2) d with nice double-wave modulations (amplitude
0.03 mag).  Further observations are strongly encouraged.

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