[vsnet-alert 17046] SDSS J090221.35+381941.9: double peaked lightcurve

Gianluca Masi gianluca at bellatrixobservatory.org
Wed Mar 19 07:51:31 JST 2014

Dear Colleagues,

I managed to cover this star for 3.4 hours, remotely using the 17" robotic unit 
part of the Virtual Telescope facility in Italy. Real time data reduction was 

Data are of good quality, especially at the beginning of the run, later haze and 
full Moon increased the scattering. I used 10 seconds of integration 
(unfiltered), getting 700 data points. The star was at mag 13.8 (unfiltered)

The star shows an evident modulation, likely double peaked (the second peak is 
of small amplitude), 0.1 mag large.

A period search provided a candidate of P=0.82(3) hours.

Data will be send to Kyoto for analysis.

Gianluca Masi
The Virtual Telescope Project, Italy

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