[vsnet-alert 17080] CR Boo: target to detect stage A superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Mar 25 10:44:29 JST 2014

CR Boo: target to detect stage A superhumps

   According to the AAVSO data, CR Boo currently
shows ER UMa-type behavior (supercycle of ~46 d).
It is a great opportunity to measure the mass ratio
of an AM CVn-type object using stage A superhumps.
If the supercycle is constant, the next superoutburst
is expected around Apr. 8.  Since stage A superhumps
may appear earlier than the final rise to
the superhumps, please start observing, and increase
the duration of runs as the superoutburst approaches.
The next superoutburst will be the best one
(in terms of observing season) to detect stage A
superhumps.  So let's choose it a priority target!
The orbital period is short and shorter exposure
times than in ordinary SU UMa stars are recommended.

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