[vsnet-alert 18292] Photometric Confirmation of SN candidate in M101

Colin Littlefield clittlef at alumni.nd.edu
Sat Feb 14 11:24:43 JST 2015

Girish Duvvuri, Chi Hang Kan, Aylin Garcia Soto, and I have just 
confirmed the presence of the supernova candidate PSN J14021678+5426205 
in M101. This transient was reported at 

We measured its coordinates as RA: 14 02 16.82, Dec: +54 26 20.5 
(J2000), with a positional uncertainty of 0.3 arcseconds. This position 
is in excellent agreement with the one quoted in the CBAT report.

We measured the object's unfiltered magnitude as 17.1. It was first 
reported as being mag 16.7 (unfiltered); this discrepancy might be 
because we observed unfiltered at a high airmass. We will obtain a 
V-band measurement shortly.

Best Regards,
Colin Littlefield

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