[vsnet-alert 18815] ASASSN-15jd: second known rebrightening

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Jul 1 10:42:01 JST 2015

ASASSN-15jd: second known rebrightening

   ASAS-SN detection.  The first rebrightening was
detected by T. Vanmunster on June 12 (vsnet-alert 18725).
If there were no other rebrightenings, the intervals
of rebrightenings were exceptionally long
(cf. Meyer and Meyer-Hofmeister, PASJ 2015, 52).
The unusual development of the outburst and superhumps
(cf. vsnet-alert 18652, 18653), combined with the current
rebrightenings, might suggest a period bouncer.

ASASSN-15jd	16:49:25.43	14:2:43.9	18.74	2015/06/30 10:16	57203.42828000011	15.31	15.29	57203.42977

ASASSN-15jd 20150630.428 15.31V ASN
ASASSN-15jd 20150630.430 15.29V ASN

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