[vsnet-alert 19390] ASASSN-15ux: superhumps

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jan 4 04:11:10 JST 2016

ASASSN-15ux: superhumps

     Kyoto U. team has reported observations.
The superhumps show double-wave modulations (0.6 mag)
and the period is about 0.05620(21) d.

Basic data:
ASASSN-15ux     ---     -------     6:52:26.66     47:10:56.5 2015-12-29.39     14.47     SDSS     DSS     VIZIER     ------- CV candidate, no match in Vizier, V>17.0 on 2015-12-28.45, V=14.4 on 2015-12-29.54, V=14.8 on 2015-12-30.50, V=15.4 on 2015-12-31.52

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