[vsnet-alert 19489] Wils_SDSSJ084108.10+102536.2 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Feb 15 11:42:12 JST 2016

Wils_SDSSJ084108.10+102536.2 outburst

   ASAS-SN detection.  Porb from SDSS colors is below
the period gap.  Likely a superoutburst.

SDSSJ084108.10+102536.2	08:41:08.10	10:25:36.19	18.58	2016/02/14 08:02	57432.33480999991	15.96	15.87	56668.39240

Wils_SDSSJ084108.10+102536.2 20160214.235 15.96V ASN

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