[vsnet-alert 19507] ASASSN-13bc superoutburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Feb 17 10:48:13 JST 2016

ASASSN-13bc superoutburst

   ASAS-SN detection.  SU UMa-type.  The 2015 superoutburst
was rather poorly observed.

ASASSN-13bc	18:02:22.45	45:52:44.40	18.41	2016/02/13 15:34	57431.649170000106	15.79	15.06	57433.63993

ASASSN-13bc 20160213.649 15.79V ASN
ASASSN-13bc 20160215.640 15.06V ASN

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