[vsnet-alert 19752] V1240 Her brightening?

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Apr 22 11:10:37 JST 2016

V1240 Her brightening?

   ASAS-SN detection.  This object is listed as NL:
with a range of 17.30 17.50V (GCVS).
Brightening of an NL object or a Z Cam-type?

V1240Her	17:02:44.09	22:35:48.00	16.8	2016/04/21 09:44	57499.40613000002	15.55	15.24	57499.40865

HERV1240 20160421.406 15.55V ASN
HERV1240 20160421.409 15.24V ASN

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