[vsnet-alert 19791] Re: V803 Cen: superoutburst?

Rod Stubbings stubbo at sympac.com.au
Sat Apr 30 04:25:08 JST 2016

Observations on the rising outburst of V803 Cen.

CENV803        160429.427   154  Stu.RASNZ
CENV803        160429.705   138  Stu.RASNZ
CENV803        160429.767   137  Stu.RASNZ

Rod Stubbings
Tetoora Road Observatory
Victoria, Australia
Telescope: "Infinity" 22" f/3.8
stubbo at sympac.com.au

On 30/04/2016 1:53 AM, Keisuke Isogai wrote:
> rmV803 Cen: superoutburst?
>      According to our sunapshots, the brightness of V803 Cen is about
> 14.6V.
> Gordon Myers reported the magnitude of 16.35 on April 28,
> so this brightness may indicate the superoutburst.
> But the observation from Japan is so difficult due to the high airmass.
> It is needed to confirm the birghtness.
> If V803 Cen is undergoing a superoutburst, please continue to observe
> and let's observe the stage A superhumps.

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