[vsnet-alert 19941] Re: [VSS] Another Possible Fading of V854 Cen

Peter Williams pfwilliams at onaustralia.com.au
Thu Jun 30 21:19:39 JST 2016

Hi Andrew and All


Further to the below emails, after showing a slight fading during May and remaining near magnitude 8 during much of June, the RCB star V854 Cen is clearly fainter tonight and may have commenced to decline, as per the below visual observations.  As V854 Cen generally fades very quickly, further observations over the next few days should confirm if this the onset of a deep decline.


CENV854              20160519.506     74           WPX

CENV854              20160525.435     77           WPX

CENV854              20160529.411     79           WPX

CENV854              20160607.403     80           WPX

CENV854              20160610.371     81           WPX

CENV854              20160614.414     80           WPX

CENV854              20160616.361     80           WPX

CENV854              20160620.413     81           WPX

CENV854              20160622.408     80           WPX

CENV854              20160628.421     82           WPX

CENV854              20160629.384     82           WPX

CENV854              20160630.454     87           WPX



Tks and regards


Peter Williams

Heathcote NSW

10x50mm binoculars






From: Peter Williams [mailto:pfwilliams at onaustralia.com.au] 
Sent: Thursday, 16 June 2016 1:26 PM
To: 'VariableStarsSouth at googlegroups.com' <VariableStarsSouth at googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: [VSS] Another Possible Fading of V854 Cen


Hi Andrew and All,


Yes, I too have noticed V854 Cen being a little fainter than usual in recent days.  If it falls below magnitude 8.5 then it may well continue into a deep decline.


Let’s hope the weather cooperates over the next week or so.


Tks and regards


Peter Williams




From: variablestarssouth at googlegroups.com <mailto:variablestarssouth at googlegroups.com>  [mailto:variablestarssouth at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Andrew Pearce
Sent: Thursday, 16 June 2016 9:35 AM
To: Variable Stars South <VariableStarsSouth at googlegroups.com <mailto:VariableStarsSouth at googlegroups.com> >
Subject: [VSS] Another Possible Fading of V854 Cen


Hi All


The active RCB star, V854 Cen, maybe in the initial stages of another fade based on my recent observations:


June 10.558 UT  7.6

June 14.568 UT  7.9

June 15.585 UT  8.1


This may only be a small dip, but I'd encourage everyone to follow this star.  If it's a more significant fade then these tend to be very rapid events.



Andrew Pearce


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