[vsnet-alert 20005] Re: ASASSN-16hg: double superoutburst

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jul 28 06:32:54 JST 2016

Re: ASASSN-16hg: double superoutburst

     Josch Hambsch has reported new observations. The object has shown
the superhumps with the almost constant period but the amplitude is
decreasing. So the superhumps may be already stage B. If these superhumps
are stage B, the estimated mass ratio in my previous alert is incorrect.
     Further observations are encouraged to detect the stage transitions.

On 2016/07/27 7:58, Keisuke Isogai wrote:
> ASASSN-16hg: double superoutburst
>     Josch Hambsch and Kyoto U. team have reported new observations.
> The object showed a double superoutburst which is a characteristic of
> a period bouncer candidate. The stage A superhump period is
> 0.062344(34) d and the most likely period of the early superhumps is
> 0.061426(48) d. Thus the estimated mass ratio is 0.037(4) whish suggests
> that the object is a period bouncer. Further observations are encouraged.

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