[vsnet-alert 20014] ASASSN-15eg likely superoutburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Jul 29 08:09:02 JST 2016

ASASSN-15eg likely superoutburst

   ASAS-SN detection.  The object has been bright
already for several days.

ASASSN-15eg	18:21:30.3	-53:48:18.9	18.2	2016/07/28 04:51	57597.20221999986	14.64	15.79	57231.06038

ASASSN-15eg 20160724.244 14.34V ASN
ASASSN-15eg 20160727.300 14.42V ASN
ASASSN-15eg 20160728.202 14.64V ASN

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