[vsnet-alert 20148] Re: ASAS-SN Discovery of A Likely Galactic Nova ASASSN-16kd

Patrick Schmeer pasc1312-aavso at yahoo.de
Thu Sep 8 18:39:35 JST 2016

ASASSN-16kd = PNV J17225112-3158349

This probable nova was posted on 2016 Sept. 8.22 UT
(8.5 hours after Kris Stanek's announcement in ATel #9469)
as PNV J17225112-3158349 on TOCP:


"2016 09 06.4808
Shigehisa Fujikawa, Kan'onji, Kagawa, Japan, reported
his discovery of this PNV to NAOJ. He discovered it at
11:32 UT on 2016 Sept 6 and reported it to NAOJ at
13:34 UT on 2016 Sept 6. He used a 120-mm F3.5 lens
for this discovery. This PNV seems to be the same as
ASASSN-16kd which was later announced in ATel #9469
at 20:40 UT on Sept 7:

Confirmation by Seiichiro Kiyota:
"2016 09 08.0623
I took confirmation images of this PN with 0.61-m f/6.5
CDK astrograph + FLI PL09000 CCD at iTelescope,
Sierra Remote Observatory, Auberry, CA. USA, remotely.
Photometric results were V=11.79 and Ic=9.33.
Seiichiro Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan)"


Kris Stanek <stanek.32 at osu.edu> wrote:

Subect: [vsnet-alert 20145] ASAS-SN Discovery of A Likely Galactic Nova ASASSN-16kd


Object       RA (J2000)    DEC (J2000)    Gal l (deg)   Gal b (deg) 
Disc. UT Date   Disc. V mag
ASASSN-16kd  17:22:51.426  -31:58:36.28     354.78         2.463 
2016-09-07.00    11.4

ASASSN-16kd was discovered in images obtained on UT 2016-09-07.003 at 
V~11.4 mag, and we also have a detection of this transient on UT 
2016-09-06.00 at V~12.1. We do not detect (V>17.4) the object in images 
taken on UT 2016-09-02.99 and before. No previous outbursts are detected 
in the previous 81 epochs of ASAS-SN data at this location since ASAS-SN 
started observing the Galactic center in March 2016.ASASSN-16kd was 
discovered in images obtained on UT 2016-09-07.003 at V~11.4 mag, and we 
also have a detection of this transient on UT 2016-09-06.00 at V~12.1. We 
do not detect (V>17.4) the object in images taken on UT 2016-09-02.99 and 
before. No previous outbursts are detected in the previous 81 epochs of 
ASAS-SN data at this location since ASAS-SN started observing the Galactic 
center in March 2016.

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