[vsnet-alert 20151] Re: ASASSN-16kd (11 mag) and ASASSN-16kb (12 mag)

Josch Hambsch hambsch at telenet.be
Thu Sep 8 23:20:03 JST 2016

It should have been of course 16kb as I also take times series of 16jb.


-----Original Message-----
From: vsnet-alert [mailto:vsnet-alert-bounces at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp] On Behalf Of Josch Hambsch
Sent: Donnerstag, 8. September 2016 15:47
To: 'Terry Bohlsen'; vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Subject: [vsnet-alert 20150] Re: ASASSN-16kd (11 mag) and ASASSN-16kb (12 mag)

Hi Terry,

Are you planning to take a spectrum of 16kb, too?
Very close to the place of the new nova.

> ASASSN-16kb: another ASAS-SN discovery in the same region RA 
> 17:42:57.68, DEC -33:25:42.9 (J2000.0)

I have taken time series of 16jb and busy to analyse them.


-----Original Message-----
From: vsnet-alert [mailto:vsnet-alert-bounces at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp] On Behalf Of Terry Bohlsen
Sent: Donnerstag, 8. September 2016 13:54
To: vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Subject: [vsnet-alert 20149] Re: ASASSN-16kd (11 mag) and ASASSN-16kb (12 mag)

I have taken a spectrum of ASASSN-16kd and can confirm that it is an early nova with broad Ha emission with an expansion velocity of about 1300km/s. There are features of a Fe nova also present.

An image of the spectrum is here

Terry Bohlsen

Armidale NSW

On 8/09/2016 7:35 AM, Patrick Schmeer wrote:
> "ASAS-SN Discovery of A Likely Galactic Nova ASASSN-16kd" (ATel #9469) 
> RA 17:22:51.426, DEC -31:58:36.28 (J2000.0) V= 11.43 mag on 
> 2016-09-07.00 UT
> http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=9469
> ASASSN-16kb: another ASAS-SN discovery in the same region RA 
> 17:42:57.68, DEC -33:25:42.9 (J2000.0) "bright transient near the 
> Galactic center (l/b=355.869/-1.87), on the rise, V=13.3 on and before 
> 2016-08-26.0, V=13.1 on 2016-08-31.09, V=12.8 on 2016-09-02.99, V=12.3 
> on 2016-09-07.00"
> Regards,
> Patrick

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