[vsnet-alert 24639] MGAB-V955 superoutburst

Denis Denisenko d.v.denisenko@gmail.com via vsnet-alert vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Sep 3 19:55:00 JST 2020

Dwarf nova in Cygnus MGAB-V955 = IPHAS J202408.73+451749.3 is in
superoutburst since Aug. 27th according to ZTF Lasair data (Masci et al.,

MGAB-V955 = ZTF18abgyivh
  20200826.2997  19.71r  ZTF
  20200827.2963  16.24g  ZTF
  20200828.2647  16.26g  ZTF
  20200829.2625  15.83g  ZTF
  20200831.2265  15.88r  ZTF
  20200901.1982  16.04r  ZTF
  20200901.4110  15.96g  ZTF
  20200902.3356  16.08r  ZTF
  20200903.2848  16.32g  ZTF

Gaia DR2 position: 20 24 08.72 +45 17 49.2

ZTF online data: https://lasair.roe.ac.uk/object/ZTF18abgyivh/

Links to ZTF Lasair light curves of dwarf novae brighter than 16m
discovered by Gabriel Murawski:

Denis Denisenko

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