[vsnet-alert 20316] ASASSN-16me: new eclipsing polar

Colin Littlefield clittlef at alumni.nd.edu
Sat Nov 5 06:30:16 JST 2016

I observed ASASSN-16me on November 4 for approximately 3 hours. Although 
there are numerous gaps in the time series because of sporadic cloud 
cover, there is a deep and extremely abrupt eclipse which lasts for 7 
minutes, during which the system became undetectably faint. Immediately 
before and after the eclipse, the system was at mag. ~17.3 (CV 
bandpass), but during the eclipse, it faded below mag. 19. There is also 
a very prominent orbital hump which almost certainly results from the 
changing visibility of the accretion region across the orbital period.

Because there are numerous gaps in the light curve, I cannot determine 
the orbital period based on this data, but I suspect that it is less 
than 2 hours. I will attempt another time series tonight to find the 
orbital period.

Best Wishes,
Colin Littlefield

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