[vsnet-alert 20622] RZ LMi: superoutburst started

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jan 30 14:00:33 JST 2017

RZ LMi: superoutburst started

   According to observations by Shugarov team,
Pavol Dubovsky, Osaka Kyoiku U. team,
Tonny Vanmunster and Itoh-san (the list
only includes the early part of the superoutburst),
RZ LMi started to show Jan. 28 (or perhaps slightly
earlier) the humps were growing during
a run by Shugarov's team and they were
likely stage A superhump (superhumps during
the preceding outbursts were not likely
stage A ones).

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