[vsnet-alert 20811] OV Boo: early superhumps

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Mar 22 22:02:47 JST 2017

OV Boo: early superhumps

     Lew Cook, Domenico Licchelli, Kiyota-san, Maeda-san, Enrique de Miguel,
Tamas Tordai and Hiroshima U. team (Uemura, Kawabata and Nakaoka) have
reported new observations.
     OV Boo was about 13.4V now. The early superhumps have continued yet.
The amplitudes of early superhumps have decreased to about 0.2-0.3 mag.
(Note that the humps are contaminated by eclipses.)
     Further observations are encouraged.

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