[vsnet-alert 21058] ASASSN-16gw: possible superoutburst?

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun May 28 03:27:21 JST 2017

ASASSN-16gw: possible superoutburst?

     ASAS-SN detection. The past outburst had lasted for at least one week.
Possible superoutburst?

ASASSN-16gw    12:45:0.19    -72:13:10.9    16.91    2017/05/26 03:04    57899.12814000016    15.06    15.00    57899.13066

ASASSN-16gw 20170526.128 15.06V ASN
ASASSN-16gw 20170526.131 15.00V ASN

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