[vsnet-alert 21061] ASASSN-17gv

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon May 29 06:29:44 JST 2017


     Relatively large outburst amplitude.

ASASSN-17gv    ---    -------    15:25:57.9    -52:20:26.3 
2017-05-28.29    14.23    SDSS    DSS    VIZIER    -------    bright CV 
candidate; matches to g=20.05 Gaia star, V>17.2 on 2017-05-22.26, V=14.2 
on 2017-05-28.29

ASASSN-17gv 20170522.26 <172V ASN
ASASSN-17gv 20170528.29 142V ASN

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