[vsnet-alert 21242] TCP J18154219+3515598: brighter than in quiescence

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jul 13 15:25:59 JST 2017

TCP J18154219+3515598: brighter than in quiescence

     Geoff Stone, Enrique de Miguel and Itoh-san have reported further
observations. The object faded from the 2nd rebrightening on July 9.
Now, the object is 16.3 mag which is brighter than in the post-super-
outburst phase of 17.1 mag and in the post-1st rebrightening phase
of 16.7 mag. These behavior suggests that the multiple-rebrightening
phase has not been finished yet.
     Because of the lacking data the present period of the superhump
is not determined. Further observations are strongly encouraged.

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