[vsnet-alert 21262] TCP J18154219+3515598: superhump continues

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jul 18 19:00:53 JST 2017

TCP J18154219+3515598: superhump continues

     Enrique de Miguel, Pavol A. Dubovsky, Geoff Stone, Tamas Tordai,
Crimean Obs. team (E. Pavlenko, Nikolai Pit), Itoh-san, Kiyota-san and
Kyoto U. team have reported further observations.
     The object faded to 16.2 mag on July 16. The object has continued to
show superhumps yet and the magnitude is brighter than in quiescence.
Thus the object will show further rebrightenings. The interval may be 1
week, the next outburst will occur around July 21.
     Further observations are encouraged to detect more accurate
superhump period and color variations in quiescence.

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