[vsnet-alert 21633] Re: ASASSN-17oz: unusual transient (14 mag) in Auriga

Brian Skiff bas at lowell.edu
Tue Nov 28 04:59:30 JST 2017

On Mon, 2017-11-27 at 18:47 +0000, Patrick Schmeer
pasc1312-aavso at yahoo.de via vsnet-alert wrote:
> Bruce McCollum and Lee Rottler (both American Univ.):
> "Estimation of the Spectral Type of the Progenitor
> of the ASASSN-17oz Transient" (ATel #11011)
> Quote: "Thus our best estimate for the spectral
> type is K1-K2 III/IV or K3-K4 IV/V."
> http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=11011

     One determines spectral types from spectra only;
however, this estimate is probably about right.
I wouldn't quote it any more specifically than to
say "possibly an early-K giant".

     I note also the original GSC shows the star
at mv =12.6 from a plate taken 1983.036. Assuming this
is not an error, then the star has had an outburst
in the past.  The Balmer and He emission could indicate
a young star with active accretion.


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