[vsnet-alert 21836] ASASSN-18ay: new SU UMa-type DN

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Feb 5 06:36:26 JST 2018

8ASASSN-18ay: new SU UMa-type DN

     Berto Monard and Josch Hambsch have reported the observations. The object
has shown superhumps whose amplitude is about 0.13 mag. Although there are
many aliases, the most likely period is 0.0588 d.
      The outuburst was detected at 13.6 mag on Jan. 20, and  the object was about
15.8 mag on Feb. 1. Further observations are recommended.

Basic data:

ASASSN-18ay         -------     5:7:1.43     -35:55:13.6 2018-01-20.13     13.22     SDSS     DSS     VIZIER     ------- CV candidate, matches to GALEX; g>17.2 on 2018-01-19.13, g=13.6 on 2018-01-20.13, g=13.9 on 2018-01-21.13, g=14.2 on 2018-01-22.14, g=14.5 on 2018-01-23.14.

ASASSN-18ay 20180119.13 <172g ASN
ASASSN-18ay 20180120.13 136g ASN
ASASSN-18ay 20180121.13 139g ASN
ASASSN-18ay 20180122.14 142g ASN
ASASSN-18ay 20180123.14 145g ASN

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