[vsnet-alert 22309] ASASSN-18ey = MAXI J1820+070: gradually brightening

Yasuyuki WAKAMATSU wakamatsu at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Jul 15 01:26:59 JST 2018

ASASSN-18ey = MAXI J1820+070: gradually brightening

Lew Cook, Domenico Licchelli, Geoff Stone, Michael Richmond,
Crimean Astrophys. Obs. team, Stephen Brincat, Josch Hambsch,
Ian Miller, Itoh-san and Vihorlat observatory team (Pavol A. Dubovsky,
Tomas Medulka) reported further observations.

This object is now about 13.0 mag and gradually brightens from
July 6, about 0.04 mag per day. Superhumps still can be detected,
its amplitude being about 0.4 mag and its period being 0.6863(2) d.
This period seems to keep slightly shortening from June 22.
Further observations are encouraged.

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